As a self-proclaimed foodie, the words “all you can eat” send shivers down my spine and nightmares of sneezing people and touchy children flashing past my retina. In other words, I’m not a buffet person. Recently though, when a friend recommended I dine at Takumi, I discovered that quality all-you-can-eat is possible.

As we sat down at our table in the very brightly lit room we were presented with a cross-off menu. The selection was grand, and featured everything from sushi and sashimi to yakitori skewers, dumplings and dessert – with options for meat-lovers and vegans alike. Having all-I-could-eat served fresh and to order was a relief, but, still, I didn’t have high expectations regarding the quality. Boy, was I wrong. Everything we were served (and we shared about 25 items between two people) was delicious. The tempura shrimp, fried maki rolls and sashimi salad deserve special mention. Everything comes in bite-size pieces, so you can freely order many different things without fearing food waste. The only negative thing was the wait time. They were not fast, but the quality and price more than made up for it. With a beer, this all-you-can-eat food fest came in at around €20 each. Well worth a visit for hungry souls with some criteria.[separator type=»thin»]

C/ Mallorca, 182 · Eixample Dreta

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