Acerca de Melissa Leighty

Melissa Leighty is the owner of Salut Wine Studio, a tasting room in the Born focused on Catalan and Spanish wines. She began her career in wine through her work as a food and travel writer. In her spare time, she continues to write for a number of local and international publications including Roads & Kingdoms, Spanish Wine Lover and Miniguide and is working on a book about Catalan wine regions. In addition to running Salut, Melissa teaches WSET courses for Wine Courses Barcelona and runs wine tours to the Catalan countryside.

La Vinyeta

Por |noviembre 21st, 2018|

It’s a zoetrope. Two boys playing leapfrog, the phases of the moon, a man attempting a long jump. When you twirl a bottle of La Vinyeta’s Puntiapart, the drawings o ...

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