
Vegetable seeds planted: 35
Immaterial seeds planted: 3
Times Barcelona made us proud: 2
Butano trucks stolen by drugged up Swedes: just the 1
Times truth was stranger than fiction: 6
Keyboard shortcuts learned that
we can’t believe we lived without
for years: 1
Autónomo fee bounces: 2
Drunken Mobile Word Congress visitors in our favorite bars: 7
Spam comments on the post
“plecs elàstics”
(it’s an art expo, assholes!): 109
Excitement level induced by Cruilla’s headlining bands (out of 10): 1.24
Time spent fabricating totally fake news: 0 (we’ll work on that one, promised!)
Time spent sneezing: 3m 21sec
(big fat cold going around these days)
Average number of bad cortados consumed during not very productive meetings: 1.8
Average number of cold beers consumed during very productive meetings: 4
To-do list apps downloaded by Joe: 1
Odds he sticks to it: 1:200
Times we stepped into dog shit: oops. sorry. we forgot to count.