Number of radiators in the office that do fuck all to warm the place up: 2
Autónomo fee bounces: 2
Drunken Mobile World Congress visitors in our favorite bars: 7
New Tecnocasa offices opened in Poble Sec: 2
Sunburnt tourists spotted in shorts so far: 9
Percentage amount our landlord wants to raise the rent: 10%
Times the landlord will hear about the office’s humidity problems if he does: 8,856,886,867
Mayors with newborns we’d liketo congratulate: 1
Percentage our landlord has raised the office rent: 10%
Times we brought the humidity issue up with him: 0 (tails between legs)
Times we stepped into dogshit: 0
(no dogshit but holy-moly was Poble Sec filthy by Sonar Sunday).
Times we stepped into vomit: 1
Independentistas that made us want to vomit during the supposed demonstration for peace on the 26th of August: 1,714
Spanish nationalists (including elected public servants) that made us want to vomit at the same demonstration: 1,715
Debates re: Catalan independence: 309
Times those debates ended in anything that couldn’t be called frustration: 0
Retiradas de 155€: 0 (For lack of funds or for lack of conviction, you wonder? Keep wondering ; )
Number of radiators in the office to warm the place up: 1
(thanks, global warming!)