Bloc Onze
C/ Constitució, 19
08014 Barcelona, Sants
Can Batlló has been mentioned in these recycled paper pages before. Nos pone. Scha-wing! Formerly a giant textile complex, it’s so large that in 1976 it was zoned for social facilities, green space and protected social housing. 37 years later, however, ye old Ajuntament haven’t moved a muscle, laid a brick or planted a tree. Sigh and listen to the same old story: the Barcelona that might have been. In June 2011, the people of Sants/La Bordeta, having pushed for years to no avail, put their foot down and strong-armed the city into ceding them warehouse 11 (yes, it’s that big).

On any given Saturday there are people preparing a comida popular around one corner, teams pushing carts of recuperated street furniture in from its death/birthplace, bricklayers building a wall for who knows what, caña-sippers in the bar, musicians playing in one of many small aulas, any number of carpenters working in their sizeable workshop next to any number of metal workers working in theirs, a concert, show or presentation in an epic warehouse sala y, amigo, the list goes on. 100% citizen power. 0% douchebaggery. Get involved.

Where: C/ Constitució, 19


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