Do you also feel like July is the month to update your relationship status with Barcelona from “happy in love” to “head over heels”? This is best weather and, I’d say, the best time to kiss each and every living concert promoter you come across. Here’s why:

Kraftwerk – Astonishing you since 1970 and still avant-garde. Few bands can still amaze and shock after decades in the biz. A true Gesamtkunstwerk and in 3D. Head to the Jardins de Pedralbes on July 6th and write off the ticket price as personal development. Arrive a bit early for some drinks and to properly prepare yourself for electronic-heart-beating synth tunes.

Curtis Harding – The soundtrack of your life. Curtis will make you feel like the winner of “Best Script” at the Tribeca Film Festival. Elegant soul that can turn the creepiest street corner into the most stylish dance floor, or to put it differently, 70s sophistication aligned with a garage influence. Good stuff. I got to know him because of his project Night Sun with the Black Lips’ Cole Alexander. Simply superb. People will talk about the night of July 23rd at Apolo for years to come, I swear!

Toto – My guilty pleasure. These hit makers have been featured in more than 50 film and television soundtracks. I mean, pick your hit: “Africa”, “Rosanna”, “Hold the Line”… If they play their cover of Weezer’s “Hash Pipe”, I’ll be that stand-up weirdo in the crowd. Sorry, l’Auditori de Barcelona. Join me to confuse the security guards on July 10th. And bless the rains down in Africa.

She Wants RevengeThe perfect antidote to any post-vacation depression. Once back from your August escape, head to Salamandra in L’Hospi on Friday the 30th for electronic punk heroes. Happy summer!