Conocidxs con coronavirus: 0
¿Físicamente, cómo de corona-enfermo te encuentras? Bien
¿Y mentalmente? Today I woke up at 5am, freaked out about a dream I don’t remember. I woke up again at 7:20 and started listening to the news on the radio. Not a great idea. When I finally got out of bed at 9, I was sure that little businesses won’t survive this crisis at all, mine included. The first coffee and some sunshine helped. But this wasn’t a great day.
¿Te has duchado? Me he duchado, pero me ha costado.
¿Has salido de casa? We’ve got a garden. I weeded. And weeded and fixed a fence.
Rollos de papel higiénico que te quedan: 12
Pelis o series que has visto: Out of Sight. Trailer Alert here. Because there’s nothing better than a good heist movie to forget about the Real. Also, George Clooney is so young and sexy. I wish he’d not become the face of Nespresso, though. Concurrent thoughts: Oh sexy chin, oh awful coffee capsules.
Canciones o grupos que has escuchado: Wish I had but can’t say I did.
Comida casera… Eggs on toast with fuet and Kohlrabi on the side. Simple stuff but it has all the textures: crunchy, chewy, crispy, soft and runny. + Very few dishes to clean.
Noticias que no deberían pasar desapercibidas: I recommend to sign up for Quarts Daily Obsession. They sent a daily newsletter about all sorts of topics (giraffes, hand sanitiser, stress, the periodic table, ghost ships …). Today they talked about snails. How many are being eaten by the French, how many are farmed for cosmetics in Italy, …
Me ha cabreado: That BCN Més, a trilingual, local and independent publication that has never fit anywhere – still doesn’t fit anywhere – which means that getting any financial help looks very unlikely.
Me ha alegrado: • Victor, who’s contacting all of BCN Més’ subscribers one by one to ask them how they are doing. And the subscribers who write back with love and great initiatives. • Luján, who’s always asking for the source. Fuentes, fuentes, fuentes. • Joe, because I know his frustration today is tomorrow’s solution. Keeping hacking at it, dude.