Mark D.: You’re presenting a prize at a glitzy generic awards ceremony, and you’ve to choose a clip of music to accompany your waltz to the podium. What song spurs you along?

Fitzroy North: I reckon anything by max tundra. i saw him play at sonar here in bcn way back in 2004, and have been into him ever since. his productions have a kind of shimmering, glizty quality to them which i think would fit the bill.

MD: It’s fair to say that some of my favourite artists are outsiders, who pay little attention to the scene as a whole and draw inspiration from sources other than their peers. I would class you in this regard, to an extent. What aspects of your life provide you with ideas and content, if not the Beatport charts?

FN: I think I draw a lot from music i listened to as a child – subconsiuosly. Also i think musical ideas seep into you from from all angles. Not just music but sounds in general. I have honestly been inspired by the sound of vacuum cleaners and washing machines.

MD: You’ve been based in Barcelona for a good couple of years now, largely attempting to find your voice as an electronic producer, and an appropriate audience for your productions. Would you say that it was a favourable location to be based, in comparison to the hotbeds of creation in which you have previously resided, namely Sheffield and Paris?

FN: In the five years I’ve been in Barcelona, I’ve written more music than in any other location. you could put that down to the weather, the city, the people….. I don’t know, but it seems to do me good living here.

MD: The new EP, Flash Aznan, has a decidedly buffed 80’s sheen as a whole, in what way does this reflect your state of mind when you’re piecing together your synths and samples on your laptop?

FN: With this EP I thought more about the chord and song structure than in previous releases. Obviously the sounds you choose are important in evoking, or making reference to other music, but I realised that in capturing that 80s vibe you’ve also gotta use the chord structures and transitions that people were rocking at the time.

MD: Lately your productions and live performances have included hardware, in addition to the digital base that we would associate Fitzroy North. This is a fairly popular shift, right now, but what do you think that these curious boxes and modules offer your sound that the computer cannot simulate?

FN: When using external hardware you have more control over the sound you are producing and you don’t have to peer into a laptop to adjust tiny faders with the mouse. but more importantly its more fun to play with external hardware. and i think if people see you are having fun and enjoying playing they get into it with you.

MD: You’ve got a fair few gigs under your belt now in various cities and types of venue. If you could book yourself for your ideal gig, where would it be, and who would be on the bill?

FN: I really like playing on the beach, with the sun either going up or coming down. Your venue might have the best lighting rig in the world, but you’re never gonna come close to natural lighting for atmosphere. Who’s on the bill? I reckon sirius mo and com truise. I’m really into their stuff at the moment.

For more info re: the Fitzroy North; Flash Anzan Release Party: