Through the door and into a world of orange; a world you’ll inhabit for a couple of hours full of characters, scenes, sounds and flavors. Welcome to Latung La La, the artistic creation of David Ymbernon, master of little worlds. You are one of “els 16 comensals.” Ymbernon’s fascination with the color orange, with the creation of microcosms and with gastronomy in general has come full circle in this collaboration with chef Jordi Gabaldà, the hopeless romantic and talented obsessive at the helm of Contrast in Sabadell.

Latung La La i els 16 comensals is difficult to corral into a sentence. Its creators call it “una obra de cuina escènica,” but let’s break it down (because if we don’t, the price won’t make sense to you). It begins on the ground floor with an art expo of old and new pieces by Ymbernon; static snapshots of the orange world that awaits. In place of lukewarm art-opening beer, Gabaldà has interpreted a bloody mary and an orange – get used to it – amuse-bouche. After a short projection on the second floor you head up to the third floor and final act: an immersive dinner + theatrical performance + concert at a dark black table (you’ll have your own personal itty-bitty lamp). On that table, 10 centimeters in front of you, Ymbernon and his daughters, sporting orange socks, build, move and manipulate orange worlds made up of vintage toys, spools of thread, pulleys, balloons and much more. The pieces are precious. Xavi Lloses accompanies with live music, composed for each scene, while Gabaldà and a team of 10 lightly land each dish before you. The food, of course, is a creative extension of the performance. A hundred and fifty euros is a lot, but it’s dirt cheap given the creativity and work that’s been put in. And, being the humble souls they are, Contrast added a few seats in the “gallinero,” where for 20€ you can watch the show, hear the music, drink the drinks and maybe have an amazing croqueta thrown up to you every once in a while.

Carrer Sant Joaquim 23, 08012 (@Meeatings23)

Tots els dimarts, a les 20.30h
Info and bookings at: