Plastics are pure shite: petroleum and natural gas products, resource-intensive to make, and slooowww to decompose (700 years to start), but they’re also ripping you off. The water you drink from a plastic bottle costs a fraction of the bottle itself, the same for soaps and detergents. Enter Goccia Verde (Green Droplet), a shiny new, originally Italian franchise that sells, in a nutshell, soap in bulk. The only thing is, it’s not necessarily in bulk and it’s not in a nutshell but in a recycled plastic bag in a recycled cardboard box fitted with a recycled plastic nozzle. They can sell you a recycled plastic bottle to fill with their variety of natural and/or ecological soaps (body, shampoos, hand soaps, laundry detergents, fabric softeners and other household cleaning products) but they would recommend you just bring in your empty Ariel bottle (that cost you 3 euros more than the soap inside) and fill away. Prices are very reasonable.

Where: C/ Manso, 33 (con Viladomat) AND C/ Mare de Deu dels Desamparates, 9


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