Es nuestra edición número 50. Si tenéis en cuenta nuestra trayectoria y la evolución de lo que empezó siendo BCN Week en mayo de 2006, esto también es un décimo aniversario. Hemos publicado más de 150 números dedicados a Barcelona y su cultura, política y sociedad. ¿Estamos felices? Podéis apostar el cuello.

Però dir que sentim aquest aniversari d’aquesta manera o de l’altra seria simplificar massa. És orgull, esperança, frustració, exhauriment i profunda satisfacció, tot al mateix temps, un poti-poti d’emocions. No cal dir que la premsa local independent impresa no és una de les primeres coses de la llista per fer-se ric ràpidament. Però, obviament, ningú s’hi fica al sector amb aquesta idea.

You already know many major newspapers are bought. But did you know that roughly 80% of the money spent on online advertising in the first quarter of 2016 went to Facebook and Google? Exactly what that means for the future is unknown, but you can be sure it isn’t good news for quality, independently-produced content. We think it’s healthier to read the perspective of local writers that you might bump into later in Condis than to be spoon-fed shite developed, optimized or designed to compete in a game where other, much larger players make the rules.

So, um, what we’re trying to say is, thanks for reading. Our only desire now is to continue doing what we’re doing. And our only request is that we do it with your continued support, either as a reader, a subscriber, a contributor or a distribution point. Death before decay! ¡Larga vida a la prensa independiente! Visca Barcelona! Subscribe!

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