La Heladería Mexicana
C/ Mestrança, 49
08003 Barcelona, Barceloneta
Tue: 9-17h
Wed-Sun: 12h-21h
That this eluded us for six long months is a goddamn travesty. Some sort of Mayan magic or mystic mushroom dust (or the fact that Barcelona still doesn’t know how exciting Mexican ice cream can be!) kept this off the radar over summer, which is exactly when we needed a margarita de maracuya sorbet. Better late than never. And, people, if you have a taste bud left in your Damm-stained, Pueblo-puffed pie holes, try the aforementioned flavor and the mango con chamoy. 90% Mexican fruit, 10% water. And, cause maths are fun, 110% delicious. When your palate calls for creamy, vainilla maya con galletas de canela (ohhh!!) and, for the second bola, rum raisin with agave syrup (2 bolas = 2.80€). All casero, from the cold, sweet stuff to the savory option: a burrito (picadillo, pollo con mole o espinacas y parmesano) with an agua de horchata, jamaica o tamarindo (also homemade and damn tasty) for 4.20 euro. Deal.

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