Llibreria Calders
Passatge de Pere Calders, 9
08015 Barcelona, Sant Antoni
Mon-Fri: 10-14:30h; 16:30-21h
If life is a river, every passion or profession a tributary, and every individual entity a stream, then one thing is certain: we all join up with the confluence at our own time, geographic position and context. Isabel and Abel don’t find it at all strange they’re in the book business. Llibreria Calders was born after the catastrophe, after debt-funded shops and editorials opened their eyes to a river that had changed course. Calders joins the flow, thus, as a two-person bookshop operating within its means. Paper isn’t dead, books will never die, and there’s a difference between someone buying a book and a Reader. Calders is for Readers. Come for books and interesting events (not book presentations). Stay for hours (there’s a café/bar inside, and sofas). Get honest and informed guidance from two people who really know the biz.

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