Preparing Eat Street a saco. Glòries looks awesome at night but you can’t have a puti club atmosphere when serving food and the sun sets at 19:30h these October days. We needed «guirnaldas de luces», «biergarten-party lichterketten», «circus festoon lights» and the French translation we’ve forgotten. We looked for hours on Google but shit was sold out or damn expensive. So we went to recharge batteries at lunch time. De Paula’s amazing burgers the destination. Burgers: awesome (even Time Out has figured that out by now). Awesome also: their self-made guirnaldas. The ingredients, the boys said, came from Monsó y Benet. The one and only light shop in Barna. Veni, vidi, vici – a cable, 100 meters long, 100 light bulbs and 200€ later we’ll be able to light up your food, pasajeros. Come and eat.