Hours spent this month discussing IRPF and how it works: 2
Total lifetime hours, including this month, spent trying to figure out IRPF: 36 (We think we’ve got it now but that feeling usually doesn’t last much longer than a month.)
Times we asked ourselves “It’s freezing in here! WTF happened to spring!?”: 6
Pollen inhaled: 1 gr that felt like 50 kg (some days felt like a freaking sandstorm)
Friends who reported phones,
wallets or bags stolen: 3 (it begins!)
Number of scratched off Karma stickers spotted on the metro: 6
Occasions when people should have but didn’t offer their seats to elderly on the metro: 3
Number of times our landlord had to get our office wall painted due to humidity problems: 5
Times we told him that just painting it will not solve the problem: 101
Times he listened to us: 0
Percentage amount he wants to raise the rent (because of a cambio de titular on the contract): 10% (did or did he not read last month’s issue?!)
Times the landlord will hear about humidity if he raises the rent: 8,856,886,867
Times we lost coins, screws, kikos, etc. on the office floor and never found them again because the tiles are speckled, old, very dirty and have many holes: 22
Times we paid the AP-7 peaje with 5 cent coins and got very, seriously honked at by the car behind us: 1 (you’ll do that once only!)
Mayors with newborns we’d like to congratulate: 1
How happy we are that you’re reading this – in paper on a scale of 1 to 10: 12