Percentage our landlord has raised the office rent: 10%
Durada en anys del nou contracte: 5 (ha!)
Persistent humidity problems in the office: 1 (it’s starting to smell funny)
Times we’ve bothered him about it: 0 (sooo busy! But he’ll get it. Salvador, are you reading us?!)
Friends in town for PS massively upset about Frank Ocean cancelling: 3
New Catalan swear words learned: 9 (heart them)
Times we wondered if the tourists are better nourished this year compared to previous years: 4
Times we thought that that’s probably good news for the local gastro scene: 2
Times we thought we should be more considerate towards tourists: 0
Número de camisetas de “Autónomo de mierda” (¡producción propia!) regaladas a amigos desesperados: 3
Camisetas vendidas: 0 (quizá tenemos que repensar el modelo de negocio…)
Number of red-flagged emails as of May 31st: 1.183