Nyam Nyam
Carrer Pallars, 94-96
08018 Barcelona, Poblenou
Mon-Fri: 13h-16h
Thu-Sat: 20:30-23:30
It has been said that the restaurant is dead. While that is surely an exaggeration, if we contemplate all of the mostly-emptyMichelin star restaurants, street food’s burgeoning trendiness, and other clandestine and private eating options (à la Eat With, etc.) the traditional, fixed-menu, fixed-location restaurant does seem a bit passé. Been there, eaten that. New takes are exciting. And while street food is new and exciting for Barcelona, it is not for (most of) the rest of the world. Nyam Nyam, on the other hand, surely is.

It all began when Iñaki, with a background in fine arts, and Ariadna, in performing arts, saw public money for culture start to dry up like a Serengeti summer. Iñaki, it turns out, has a bit of chef in him, and, as true artists, the pair combined form and function – the necessity for survival with unwillingness to compromise the art.
Two years on, Nyam Nyam is a 6th floor post-industrial Poble Nou kitchen, an arts place, a gourmet delivery service, a fanzine and more. It’s not a restaurant, nothing is static, and you can’t just pop in for lunch. It’s neither a gallery nor theatre. Nyam Nyam does creation: cooking, drawing, grinding (both kinds), acting, writting, debating, moving, drinking… it’s never finished. It’s always in progress. Each month a different artist latches onto the space, and each Thursday during that month that artist shows his or her work (in progress) to those who sign up for. Todo lo que me gusta es ilegal inmoral o engorda (as they’re calling their current cycle). Everyone leaves hours later, fed (gastronomically and otherwise) and happy, or melancholic, or inspired… alive!

Photos by Raquel Dias

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