International freestyle chefs!


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[gdl_gallery title=»rooftopeatstreet» width=»380″ height=»285″ ]
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[gdl_icon type=»icon-chevron-right» color=»#222″ size=»12px»] ¿Cómo os llamáis?
Buster & Jakob

[gdl_icon type=»icon-chevron-right» color=»#222″ size=»12px»] ¿Cuál es vuestro estilo culinario?
International Freestyle

[gdl_icon type=»icon-chevron-right» color=»#222″ size=»12px»] ¿Os preocupa lo ecológico?
Yes, we work closely with small farms and directly with the farmers who know how to raise quality produce ecologic and organic. Sourced locally.

[gdl_icon type=»icon-chevron-right» color=»#222″ size=»12px»] ¿Por qué os interesa el movimiento street food?
It’s not that we’re interested in it as a movement, but more as a tastier way of life. street food is the norm all over the world, or has been happily adopted by whole countries. its just plain weird why its such a struggle here in Spain you would think this would be the place where it would be embraced. . . [divider]
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