Rosses i Torrades
C/ Consell de Cent, 192
08011 Barcelona, Eixample Esquerra
Mon: 17h-20:30
Tue-Sat: 11h-14h; 17h-20:30
David is owner, selector, clerk, cleaner and teacher in his one-and-a-half-year-old shop in the Left Iz. It’s a small space that is temporary home to almost solely artisan beers that are non-pasteurized, non-filtered small productions that mature and carbonate naturally in the bottle (as opposed to your mainstream beers that have CO2 shot into their veins before they settle down into La Caixa for the night). The thick wooden table that holds the cash register doubles as a bar, also supporting the pint glasses you’ll need as you sit down to shoot the shit with the expert and sample the brew(s). The intimacy is charming and if you’re looking to talk shop, then you’ve found yours. You can pick up a few tools here as well, from barley to hops to grinder to fermentation bucket, but perhaps more intriguing are the homebrewing workshops offered on certain Saturdays: eight hours of instruction for 80 euro. After hour six just might convince David to let you taste the dry-hopping batch he’s fermenting at the moment (not for sale).
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