Taquería Tamarindo
C/ Aragó, 236
08007 Barcelona, Eixample Esquerra
Mon-Wed: 12:30-23h
The-Sat: 12:30-00h
According to some, the Mexican culinary community in Barcelona has its panties all in a bundle, anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Adrià brothers’ Hoja Santa (opening now-ish) and smaller, more proletariat Niño Viejo (already open). Personally, I have my doubts as to how grounded “alta gastronomia de barrio” will really be. So, for those of us that walk the earth: Taquería Tamarindo, where the tortillas are hand-pressed, frijoles are homemade, and prices are near perfect.
You can’t complain about the general proliferation of Mexican cuisine in Barcelona, “alta” or not, but how nice is it to have Claudia, the owner of Tamarindo, tell you about tortillas and family recipes that top them as she lays a loaded taco or three in front of you? Very nice, is the answer. Methinks Albert Adrià shan’t be bringing you your carne asada.
Anatomical taco explanations on the wall seem, well, “borrowed” from Tlaxcal and the location is nothing special (when was the last time you wanted to spend an evening on the corner of Aragó y Balmes?), but you’re not there for design nor the surrounding area. You’re there for the food, and the food does not fail. The nachos del rancho are truly epic, actually unique and generous. We enjoyed every taco we tried (ranging from €2.10 to €3). The guacamole is fresh, not over-spiced (fresh, ripe avocado shining through) and you can tell the frijoles haven’t seen a can in their lives. Get a two-taco menú del día (€6.50) or the three-taco version (€9.80), and you’re homeward bound and fullísimo.
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