C/ Ramon Turró, 181
08005 Barcelona, Poblenou
Mon-Fri: 13h-16h
Thu-Sat: 20:30-23:30
Once a month we deliver a stack of newspapers to Aguaribay. It hurts. We walk into the modest restaurant with brick walls and five-meter-high ceilings and sniff pure heaven. Then we have to turn around, walk out the door and continue distributing. Booo! One month a tomato-basil combo wafts through the air. The next it’s a fresh-baked smell, una tarta de algo. When we finally made it in for a menú del día, all our olfactory expectations were met and exceeded. If they repeat menu items similar to the ensalada de patata y cebolla con guisantes y una vinagreta de mostaza, jump at it. Follow up with spiralis en salsa de tomates asados con hierbas frescas y olivas arbequinas. Or don’t– four of us ate different things and it was all good. For 11.80 euro you get a tapita, fresh bread, first, second and one of the five homemade desserts that easily rival the savory stuff.

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