Bar restaurante Gelida
C/ Diputació, 133
08015 Barcelona, Eixample Esquerra
Mon – Fri: 6h – 22h
Sat: 6h – 16h

Being guiri (sadly), bares clásicos are like portals into a different Barcelona, a Barcelona without me, before “mine” started in on us in droves. And, if clásicos are my portals, Gelida is my wormhole. It could not look more normalito.

The toldo is that green with those white stripes, all properly faded, with “Bar Restaurant Gelida” across the front. The interior is so stark and spent it’s actually surprising how little energy goes into the appearance. The main dining area is just inside the door on the right, under the requisite barrels, and to its left the bar with its small vitrina típica, unexciting shelves, and a hard-working coffee machine. The service is frank but friendly, and one waiter seems to sing the names of the dishes he’s trying to deliver to a long table. The house vermut is excellent and, I’ll bet, one you’ve not seen elsewhere. And the absolutely delicious dishes are so affordable that price-quality loses meaning here. We’re talking homemade classics ranging from €2,80 to €4,50. Yeah, it makes you think twice about how much you’ve been paying for cap i pota.

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