+ Bernat
C/ Buenos Aires, 6-8B
08029 Barcelona, Exiample
Mon–Fri: 9h – 20h
Sat: 9h – 14h
Thirty-two years after taking over Librería Bernat in 1978, Montse decided it was time for more (hence the +). It’s a similar story, in some ways, to the transformation of classic bookshop into now credibly successful Re-Read, or the studied innovation of Llibreria Calders. With the same hard-won experience, introspection, entrepreneurship and energy, Montse took Bernat to the next level. She brought 25 new book-loving shareholders into the biz and, with their help (financial and otherwise), moved into the much larger locale next door, put a café at the front, a piano at the back, and opened the door to the beautiful union that is coffee, tea, homemade food, beer, wine, cultural events and, of course, the written word. There are twice as many socios today.
Between the regular workshops and special events (presentations, readings, etc.), domino championships and language classes (with breakfast included in the price), the place doesn’t stop. And it doesn’t hurt one bit that MiniMarce runs the café, serving up super cakes, killer coffees, menús del día and so on. This is the perfect place to spend several hours at almost any time of day. And, starting in May, keep an eye out for La Universidad Klandestina, a new series of author-themed short courses for frikis like you.
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