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Bodega Quimet
C/ Vic, 23
08006 Barcelona, Gràcia
Mon-Fri: 10h-23h
Sat-Sun: 12h-23h

On the other side of Gràcia, Bodega Quimet is a bit like the indie-hot-spot version of Bodega Manolo. It was packed on a Thursday at about 21h with a very young, lively and loud crowd. The patrons at that point were doing cava, cañas y vasitos de vino but the friendly barman told us «aquí se tira bastante el vermut«. The ’mut was tasty; not quite on the Manolo level but served with the right olive on a long stick (nice touch). Apparently the early afternoon crowd is slightly older, so if you want a more tranquil experience and a place to sit, go at midday. They’ve cleverly placed some half barrels near the door, making it possible to enjoy that old feeling of drinking (and smoking) a pie in the street without getting a big fat multa. Try the gazpacho at 1€, any combination of tasty classic embutidos, or one of the Conservas Lolin, which we didn’t try but which Bodega Quimet seems very proud to serve.

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