Brew Pub Le Sec
C/ Margarit, 52
08004 Barcelona, Poble Sec
Sun-Mon: 18h – 1h;
Thu: 18h – 1h
Fri-Sat: 19h – 2:30

And just when you thought you’d seen it all in Barcelona’s rocket ship craft beer bubble bonanza, along comes Anna Cufí. After literally years of dreaming of running her own artisan beer business, Brew Pub Le Sec is alive and kicking. She spent seven of those yearning years in Cantabria working with DouGall’s before coming back to her native Catalunya to work with BierCaB. About a year after that she got a call from a friend who had stumbled on an old locale in Poble Sec (fortuitously close to Cervecería Jazz and famous Steve’s beer cave). The space had been a coffee roaster, long defunct, and was perfect for the switch from toasting beans to other grains. There are four taps at the front and a fridge for bottles as well. So far so good, but nothing breaking local ground, right? Wait for it. Anna decided to put a somewhat awkward altillo to good use, putting five 250-liter fermenters up there. Starting right about the time you read this they will begin cooking up the good stuff in a kitchen at the back of the bar. They’ll run a hose the length of the space to get the brew into those fermenters, and, once it’s done, they’ll open the four (more) taps and feed fresh beer straight from the source. Take that Barcelona beer bubble!

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