Cat Bar
C/ Bòria, 17 | Barcelona
Monday – Thursday: 13-16h + 19-01h
Friday – Saturday: 13-02h
Sunday: 14-21h

People who love cats this much are terrifying. Fortunately for Cat Bar, veganism, vegetarianism, massive piles of food, and craft beer are all very much de moda in Barcelona, and this is how they lure us in. Like Macrobiotic Zen (though not to the same degree), credit is due for opening and hanging in there long before this lifestyle choice became as hot as the fixie shop next door. The beer probably helped; their list is so extensive it could have featured in last month’s shortlist. The food has come along nicely since the beginning, and while they expanded their selection for a while, people just kept asking for the burgers so now they increased the options there and reduced a bit elsewhere. Portions are generous. The hummus is mmm, mmm good, served with the fresh baked bread (also featured as their hamburger buns) that they sometimes bake with beer instead of water. The fries are huge fresh wedges of potato. We never have space for dessert.


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