Espai Capra
C/ Tapioles, 47
08004 Barcelona, Poble Sec
Mon-Thu: 10h-23h
Fri-Sat: 10h-00h
Would you like a one-sentence recommendation? Here it goes: Thank Zeus above for a new café in Poble Sec that isn’t on Blai and doesn’t serve pintxos! And, for those that want a bit more information, a coffee, a café lunch, a place to work, a place to read, and a place to buy the book you’ll need after you close the one you’re currently devouring, welcome to your new Mount Olympus.

The brainchild of Guillem and Eduardo (book and bar), Espai Capra is set back from c/ Tapioles to create a front patio with a couple of stools, small benches and mesitas. Chill out and acogedor. Inside, the bar’s on your right, a few small tables are on the left, and the hallway is the bookshelf/beginning of the llibreria (before Espai Capra, Guillem ran a bookshop out of his apartment, selling online). The back room opens up, has several more tables, and is lined nearly floor-to-ceiling with books on three walls. The fourth wall is door and window to a two-table terrace and small garden. We were treated wonderfully, the prices are very good, and the €5 you’ll pay for one of their many pastrami sandwiches is well worth it. If you take your laptop you may never leave.

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