C/ Sant Carles
08003 Barcelona, Barceloneta
Mon-Sun: 10h-1h
The sun is shining and the weather is sweet, yeah. And the Barcelona gold we’re pulling out of the annals for this “clásico” goes to (drumroll) Filferro! [Uproar and applause.]

Thank you, quagmire of Barceloneta, for doing your best to hide a select few spots from your tourist hordes! And thank you, Filferro, for holding strong with your affable yet slightly punk service, your banging pa amb tomàquet, your pasta de gorgonzola (nyam!), your massively heavy bathroom doors, and your super-duper terrace. Our only complaint would be that you’re so popular it’s tough to get a taula on said terrace already and it ain’t even summer yet. Shiiiiit.

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