Av. Meridiana, 69
08018 Barcelona, Sant Martí
Mon, Wed, Fri & Sat: 8-20h
If recent Eat Street hubbub has you fired up and in the mood for more quality street food served in oddly-shaped cardboard containers, look no further than Fogó. While located inside Els Encants (as opposed to in a push cart – ¡ojalá!), this is as close as Barcelona and Catalans currently come to comida callejera de primerísima calidad. With Fogó, brothers Jordi and Albert Marimon (yes, gastro-plastas, the same Albert Marimon who won Best Chef 2013 at the Fòrum Gastronòmic) have gone más allá del chiringuito. This is an actual food stand. They serve cap i pota, caneló amb tòfona, esqueixada de bacallà and much more on the aforementioned hard paper platforms that you can take to the communal tables and benches provided by Encants or munch standing up with views of Poblenou, DHUB and the Hyatt Hard-on. The Marimons, down to earth, modest and friendly gentlemen, maintain their dedication to local, seasonal products with a remarkable twist. Whereas many a restaurateur takes those key words as a green light to jack prices up higher than a mosso pre-desalojo, these gents serve exquisite food at the best prices you could possibly imagine. If you don’t give Fogó a 10 for calidad-precio you simply have no idea what you’re talking about, have horrible taste, and should go order a Vitali pizza.

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