C/ Riereta, 8
08001 Barcelona, Raval
Mon-Tue: 13:30-16:30
Wed-Thu: 13:30-16:30; 19h-0:30
Fri: 13:30-16:30; 19h-1:30
Sat: 19h-1:30
“We should leave now to get there before it’s completely packed,” was commonly uttered back in the day when this paper team was based in Raval. Guixot was a go-to. Un clásico de los clásicos. It still is, my young apprentice. The extensive menu of simple, traditional cuisine (salads, seriously sizeable sandwiches, crepes and platos) is only outdone by the affable gentlemen waiters who, it must be said, bust ass when Guixot is full (it generally is when the clock strikes eatin’ time). Guiri bitches best brush up on their Catalan. It’s hard and fast in here. And if you have a full menú al mediodia, ain’t nobody working productively in the afternoon, ya heard?

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