Koku Kitchen
C/ Carabassa, 19
08002 Barcelona, Gòtic
Tue – Sun: 13h – 16h;
19:30 – 23:30

Mark and Ross, Irish the both of ‘em, worked together in a Japanese restaurant in Dublin before Ireland went tits up (economically-speaking). Their dream of opening their own place moved to the back burner as they moved to Barcelona to teach English for a couple of years and look for potential locales and restaurant concepts. Here they met Bobby. Swedish. Chef. They kept looking for locales, kept debating what to cook.

Friends told them they were mad to open a restaurant in a city with so many. Ross decided to move to London to try his luck there. But once they settled on the idea of a ramen joint he decided to stay. Bobby, however, isn’t Japanese, so a non-gaijin friend came down to delve into the art that is ramen. If you’re Irish or Swedish and you dare open a ramen restaurant, it better be good. And so, Bobby cooked ramen for a year to get it to where it is today. Koku Kitchen is the result, and the ramen is outstanding.

Try the picante with kimchi and pancetta. Deadly, as the Irish say. And while a clear concept is present, a ramen restaurant doesn’t mean you can’t have homemade lemonade and some banofee pie on the menu (not to mention Irish ciders, biscuit cake and a few other surprises). This is the gótico at its modern best. A melting pot of food and people that should make you fight for the Eurozone up to your last breath.

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