La Chana
C/ Poeta Cabanyes, 8
08004 Barcelona, Poble Sec
Tue–Sun: 12:30-16.30 and 19h-23h

Ni rastro of the dark, pricey, guiri-sh cocktail bar that occupied this small locale until a little over a month ago. Amazing what white paint can do. Add some blue touches and a few black and white Grease-meets-beach-party photos and –¡huaka! – you’re in Andalucía. Pescaíto frito y rock’n’roll, La Chana’s motto. This is the wild west. We are off-Blai, ladies and gents, and we’re not in Catalunya anymore. Poble Sec has always been an immigrant’s neighborhood and, fittingly, Mireia and Natalia have brought the rag-tag barrio an eSpanish local bar that fits like a glove. The trato was direct and the accent, boquerones fritos, payoyo and salmorejo were authentic (€2.50, €3 and €3 respectively). All of that plus a little vermuteo y cachondeo on Sundays. The ladies will be at the beach on Mondays.

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