La Pubilla del Taulat
C/ Marià Aguiló, 131
08005 Barcelona, Poblenou
Tue-Thu: 10h-22h
Fri: 10h-12h
Sat-Sun: 10h-17h
This locale has been a bodega for approximately 125 years, since Poblenou was just a three-street poble surrounded by fields and farms and walking to Barcelona was, as Jesús says, «una odisea». He runs the bodega side of the family-owned business and his brother Miguel Ángel runs the bar. The bodega, naturally the quieter of the two, offers vinos a granel or bottles of wine, sherry, brandy and a nice international selection of beers. The bar is the other side of the coin: what’s the specialty of the house? Depends on the client, says Miguel. He then proceeds to shout across to a woman seated alone at the bar, «¿A que te gustan las gambas? The woman shouts back, «¡Y la bomba!» The tapa estrella is a large long anchovy on top of a couple of sun-dried tomatoes soaked in olive oil and balsamic. Deadly. The team of four (amazing, considering the small size of the space) constantly move and call out table numbers and orders and shepherd outstanding gambas salteadas (8,50 Euro), bravas truly deserving of their fame (4,50 Euro), flamenquines cordobeses (worth their weight in gold), and other delicacies.

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