Mas Guinardó
C/ de Maspons i Labrós, 2
08041 Barcelona, Guinardó

Near the foot of Parc de Guinardó, a guiding iaia (let’s hope of the flauta variety) comments on the outdoor dances for older folks they used to host at the Casal d’Entitats Mas Guinardó. They don’t anymore, she complains. But inside, they maintain they do. Ahhhhh, communication. Anyway, the impressive building has lovely views from its 2nd floor, which has its own terrace. Stay tuned for a new bar opening up there in «septiembre» (read: 2013). That upper terraza looks down onto another ample platform that then, in turn, looks down on another that then (bored yet?) looks onto a petanca bowler’s wet dream. And on the terrace just above those sandy pitches you’ll find the run-of-the-mill Bar del Mas Guinardó, only it has views and rollo chill out you’ll not find anywhere else on this list. Catering mostly to the bocce ball crowd, when they prepare food (weekends mostly, though they’ll do any day por encargo) they whip up some down-home grubbins like butis, pies de cerdo, callos, you get the type. Or go easy paneesie with a caña (1,20 euro) or mediana (1,50 euro) and a book, a friend or just a vacant stare over your stomping grounds.

Where: C/ Salvador Riera, 2
When: Monday: 16:30-21:30h // Tuesday – Friday: 9-13:30h + 16:30-21:30h // Saturday – Sunday: 9(ish)-21:30h


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