Morro Fi
C/ Consell de Cent, 171
08015 Barcelona, Eixample Esquerra
Sat-Sun: 12-16h
Mon-Sat: 18-23h
With Bacchus as our witness, we will suck every last possible goddamn drop of vermut from this place as we can! We will sit in the sun with jacket and scarf if need be. We will bask! And this is where we’ll do it because 1) Morro Fi is vermut heaven and 2) it happens to sit on the sunniest corner in the nova esquerra d’eixample. We will sip the casolà elixir bottled in Reus just for them (2 euros) and nod thankfully to the real troika: Palillo, Platito and Patatita. To them we shall sacrifice the fruit of Poseidon and holy shit is that fruit good! ¡Qué morro serving mojama murciana this tasty! And the anchoas cantábricas and arenque ahumada (català) are A++. Ask them for the 8.50 euros combo called “Una mica de tot”. And it’s okay to ask for a caña de Mahou in place of the vermut, as they pour à la madrileña (fill caña, let sit, fill more to foam head, whack squarely on counter top, serve). Yes, you can taste the difference.

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