Mark Dix, you and your great taste in music will never be forgotten. It was a pleasure working with you, and we grudgingly accept that lil’ baby Jericho needs you more than this newspaper (at the moment). For the rest of you, yes, you guessed it: the Més is looking for a new music columnist who knows more about the local scene than about her/himself. The ideal candidate can write about bands, songs and upcoming events in an irreverent and thrilling manner entirely void of mega-mainstream commercial crap and genre dropping. We’d prefer English, though we might consider ye olde català, també.

You have eclectic taste and an inquisitive attitude. You know where the Lauetans live and that el Pumarejo just celebrated their last concert in their current location. You know what l’Afluent are up to at all times and have a strong opinion on BeGood’s name change (we like strong opinion). Your friends and heroes play instruments really well and perform at hidden venues that wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole. The BAM line-up usually bores you, but you’re capable of communicating your informed opinion in a professional and tongue-in-cheek manner nonetheless. As November comes around, you’ve already seen most of the In-Edit documentaries and heard of an off-concert that hasn’t been published on Facebook yet, or that won’t be at all. When you wake up, you put on music. When you have sex, you put on music. When you’re at work, you put on headphones. Music puts you to sleep at night and deadlines don’t scare you. On the contrary, you eat them for breakfast (nyam!). You’ve never missed one in your life and fact- and spell-checking are your second and third favorite pastimes, in that order.

If your heart beats to everything we just said, we want you badly. Send us 300 words recommending upcoming musical events in Barcelona to It pays shit, but it pays, and money isn’t what this is about anyway, right? Looking forward to reading you.