Arco Iris
C/ Roger de Flor, 216
08013 Barcelona, Eixample Dret
Mon-Sat: 13-16h
We cross Diagonal towards a cluster of people waiting outside Arc Iris. Inside, a clean-shaven man with snow-white hair receives us with an almost absurd Buddha-like calm. If we become vegetarians will we feel like this man looks? We’re seated quickly. We soon realize that everything happens quickly here. They’ve been serving lunch from 13-16h for 46 years, it’s all they do, and they know what their doing. A large bottle of water is waiting on the table, and a basket of breads lands just as we sit down. There’s a bustling level of loud, like a classic diner. They ask us for our primeros immediately: one crema and one ensalada variada. The waitress reaches around the corner and is back with the salad in, um, 4 seconds. It’s simple and as fresh as can be, as is the crema de colifor al curry. A killer chaulafan with egg, seitan and tofu comes out next (again, in record time) along with a bullit de carbassó i pastanaga with a very nice hazelnut-y purée. It’s 15:09 when we order the third dish (two mushroom and Camembert crepes) and they’re in front of us before the clock hits 15:11. At some point in all of the hustle and bustle, a new full bottle of water appears magically on the table (other restaurants, take note). We wrap it up with an oat, raisin and coconut-laden bircher müsli and some kefir with honey. Outstanding all-around price-quality at €9,50 (+€1 on Saturdays). Wham, bam thank you, ma’am.

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