Tabernas Gallegas

Marina de Badalona
08918 Badalona

Tue-Thu: 9 – 23:30h
Fri: 9 – 2h
Sat: 11 – 2h
Sun: 11 – 17:30h

Here’s a shortlist from left field. It turns out that just past the tres chimeneas (de Besòs) and the beach we lovingly call Chernobyl, Badalona has a marina. Saying it like that may sound pretentions. Surely everyone in Badalona knows that, goes there. Pues, no. Seeing as their beach and seafront extravaganza begins past the aforementioned marina and up some stairs, no one seems to bother walking around and down onto this peaceful boardwalk. They have enough of what they need up top: bars, restaurants, terraces, palm trees and coastal views to shake a stick at. And so, this little marina sits there, a few restaurants lining it, one more or less cutre than the last. Gold.

Tabernas Gallegas is one of those restaurants, and while it – and its name and its menus – smells of franchise, the locale is pretty cool (though not in the Barcelona modern design sense at all). What you are sure to dig is the terrace. Six tables right next to this quiet marina, normal-sized boats rocking gently, and the tres chimeneas in the distance. No umbrellas, so best to go after 17h, but the beers are cold, the tapas plentiful, the bravas damn good, the chipis too, and the price, mon ami, is right. Seeing as Barcelona has been all but robbed of its own marina (thanks CIU, PP, Russian billionaires, London-based shell companies and mega-yacht douchebags), it’s nice to have a peoples’ alternative.

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