C/ Carme, 70, 08001 Barcelona, Raval
Mon-Thu: 12h – 0h
Fri-Sat: 12h – 01h
Sun: 13h – 00h

Suckers for the written word should take Teddy’s marketing copy with a grain of salt. When they mention being Barcelona’s first Lebanese saj spot, you’re already excited. They then tickle your literary loins with, “watch your bread rolled out, spread on a cushion and slammed on the hot griddle right in front of you!” Oooh! Slamming bread! Fun! They round it out with references to “the most exclusive ingredients from the mountains of Lebanon.” And you’re moist. Or at least we were.

But the drop in elevation from Lebanese mountains to a fluorescent-lit, white locale with a durum-esque display case was a bit too abrupt. That aside, however, there is dough, a cushion and some light “slamming” onto a convex saj grill, where the traditional Lebanese markouk flatbread is baked. It came off the saj hot, soft and delicious, with the fillings of your choice wrapped up inside. A flavourful handmade snack for four pavos that will fill you up about half as much as it’s competition – a rotating meat-stick wrap or Morrocan sandwich around the corner. Reduce the price or increasing the filling a bit (and maybe changing the lighting) and we’re golden.

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